One year later...

We have reached 3/4th of our previous # of listeners...

In June 2021 we re-started our radio stream with GothVille Radio. Time to post again the status of our number of listeners we are reaching every month. And this result is something we did not expected. After 12 months of broadcasting, again non-stop, and a bit different than we did previously, we are now back to 3/4th of our old listeners amount on a monthly basis.

The goal was to have again our 4000 unique listeners on a monthly basis within 2 years. If we keep on reconnecting our listeners at this speed, we even will be able to do better the next couple of months.

As you can see, our audience in really international. This was also our intention in the early days (2005) when we started with the online radio of GothVille. Now, after a couple of years having a radio silence, we are still convinced that Goth is not dead! And there is a need for bands to have airplay so you people can discover new music while you're on the move.

We are still suffering to reach out to our fan base on Facebook. We had before the silence also about 4000 followers, today we have about 3200 followers, but our posts hardly get on their newsfeed. So please forgive us, but we kindly ask you people to share our posts on Facebook a bit more. Inform your black dressed friends that we're out there.

Yet another way to support our non-profit organization is considering to donate a little amount of your music budget. Once in a year would be very nice, you can choose the amount, but if 42 people donate €10,00 in a month, we have the cost of broadcasting 24/7 covered. That is 504 people of the 4000 targeted listeners, and this on a yearly basis. Today we receive for about €40,00 a month, and often from the same people...

Donate here


One year later...
GOTHVILLE vzw, AnaXaGoRaS June 14, 2022
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