GothVille Community


This community is for goth music enthusiasts and participants. Discussions, questions about Goth related music and lifestyle are here in place.
Questions about our GothVille projects, how to and community activities are of course also possible. 

In order to post here, you need to be registered on our site.
Please keep in mind we maintain this forum following our rules with humane and friendly social behavior.
That doesn't mean you can't be a rebel or activist. But it is our platform, 
we keep our right to kick your ass from this forum if we think you crossed the thin line of freedom of speech..

How can we send our music to your Radio or DJ's?


We have a band / I am an artist / We represent Bands as a label.

How can we send GothVille our newest work so you can include it in your shows? Are there restrictions, or is there something we should take care of...

What is your selection criteria to decide if our music will be played or not? 

1 Answer
Best Answer

We get a lot of mail with download links, but we have put an end on trying to get them managed. Often links don't work, or are blocked by our security platforms. There are too many channels out there to follow, we would like to invite you to use our website in the future for providing us with your latest work.

You can submit your artwork or the work of the bands/artists you represent using our website.

Go to the main menu: The Music - Submit Music

Here you can post your media file. Please use a package manager like WinZip or 7z to include multiple files in one archive.  You can also include images or PDF files with more information about the album/single.

You can also support our team by making radio jingles for GothVille. You are free to include them in your archive. Make one for Gothville and make one for your own promotion. We will broadcast it for free! These clips have a duration of about 20 to 30 seconds. You can be as creative as you wish. The one for GothVille should contain something like: "Hello, we are from the band xxxx and you are listening to GothVille Radio..." 

The Media Files:

The media files can be in an mp3 file format with at least 128Kbps but we advise to use 192Kbps. Other formats we support are AAC+, FLAC.

Please do not use WAV, these formats will be completely ignored !!!
If you include PDF info files, since we are lazy as hell, please make sure we can copy your text, we ignore scans...


Participate Now!

Let us know how and when you listen to our online radio. Also indicate wich subgenres you like best. This way we can make the best mix of all darkscene related music on our station. Enough variation that makes the radio sounds good enough to make it your all day station. 

The GothVille Survey