GothVille Community


This community is for goth music enthusiasts and participants. Discussions, questions about Goth related music and lifestyle are here in place.
Questions about our GothVille projects, how to and community activities are of course also possible. 

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Please keep in mind we maintain this forum following our rules with humane and friendly social behavior.
That doesn't mean you can't be a rebel or activist. But it is our platform, 
we keep our right to kick your ass from this forum if we think you crossed the thin line of freedom of speech..

When will GothVille Radio be back online?


It is now several months since we are missing the GothVille Radio stream. When do you think it will be back online?

1 Answer
Best Answer

Updated on 08th of May 2021

Two months ago, we mailed to our national royalty organization we wanted to start again with our radio stream in the new format they offered for web radio's. Upon now, we didn't get any answer. It was meant to start at the beginning of this month, we postponed it to the next month. We will start our stream with or without answer. Not getting an answer is showing how important we are. We are a small scene, not worthy to give it some attention, unless we start our stream of course, we will get the invoice soon enough most likely...

So, to our fan base (approx 4000 monthly listeners previously)... The darkness will be back soon... To be continued...

24th of Februari 2020 - It is very hard to give a clear answer here. Today (24th of February) we are prepared to start our stream. But it is still unclear if all our efforts we put into this project won't be ignored by the larger internet radio streaming app's. When they do not list us, it is hard to survive in the hell of the cloud.

Secondly, when loyalty organizations are demanding the funds they currently ask, we want some guarantees that the money is finding it's way to the artists and bands we broadcast. Upon now we have never received any proof that the bands we support will ever see any penny of it. We only know that many mainstream bands benefit of it, not our favorite underworld scene. 

When everything is going as planned. We hope to get our streaming radio back online somewhere in 2020. But this seems to be hard to achieve it this doomed year..


Participate Now!

Let us know how and when you listen to our online radio. Also indicate wich subgenres you like best. This way we can make the best mix of all darkscene related music on our station. Enough variation that makes the radio sounds good enough to make it your all day station. 

The GothVille Survey