There are a lot of complains about the revenue artists receive from Spotify when their music is played. Lack of transparency and not profitable. Special for underworld bands with a specific audience and possible listeners.
2 Answers
Cant really fight the tide when it comes to spotify, whats our choices? We cant force people to buy when they can listen for free, best we can do is suck it up, accept it and do our best
At the time of this writing, the discussion continuous about the fee that artists and bands receive for their work at Spotify. Some are paying more, but they all play with figures you cannot even buy a decent dinner with, in what you earn in a month. Especially the underworld music performers. The number of listeners are too small, and somehow this is of course pretty normal in a small world like the Goth scene.
For the last few year we are playing with several platforms. All have their pro's and contra's. But if you look at them from the perspective of discovering new music, it is the DJ as a human who has the feeling with music. Mixcloud is a nice platform where DJ's post their shows or podcasts. Their business model is paying somehow the legal loyalties like the classic radio stations do. Now even for our Goth related subgenres, the percentage of in the whole is small. Bandcamp is in what we believe the most friendly solution for artists and bands. They pay the largest fee for the music being used on their platform.
Spotify on the other hand is in what we think the best in music algorithm's. When you have a good selection of your favorite music, the suggestions to discover new music is one of the best. It is hard work to get it working properly, but if you make consistent profiles, you get the right music in front of you. It is also the best user friendly interface in our opinion. But that is something personal we guess.
While artists and bands in our Goth related scenes need to find their way to their audience, and how to earn at least their costs of production, we at GothVille are open for discussing and helping to find better solutions. We worked on an alternative, but it is having a slow start, and is not winning the fight. These solutions were all based upon the blockchain technology, and is because of the complexity perhaps not that successfully...